Tuesday 14 September 2010

Short Film Analysis

This is a short film that I will be using as an example to our film. The film itself is called "The End" and is a short 2-minute film.  In this clip they use good mise en scene to highlight the mood, particularly with their use of lighting and also with their use of camera work, often changing the shots and camera techniques.

The film is shown below

It is also shown on the "BBC Film Network" as shown below

1. What genre is it and how is this made apparent through the Key Concepts?

The genre of this film varies, at first it can be seen to be a bit of a drama, with that of a hard working individual, within a dark room, however this begins too change when he spins the globe and it turns into somewhat of a comedy as he when he changes the position he goes to that particularly place, symbolized with the change in external noise and lighting. However it can be seen in two different views, one that its sad that a "tragedy" can be occurring at the same time in the other part of the world, or it can be seen to be a comedy with a bit of a twist on just simply turning the globe and then dropping it to symbolize "The End" of the world.

2. How does the narrative work?

"The End" is a linear narrative. It begins with a an individual who appears to be working had on a piece of paper, however finds out that he has the ability to change his setting with the turn of the globe. The whole mood changes, his facial expressions change from one of seriousness to nervousness and uncertainty. The reader is left confused to why this has happened the first time and therefore leaves an enigma for the viewers. However the second time this occurs it is much more apparent that it is the turn in the globe that is causing the change of lighting and external sound. In particular as he knocks the globe off the table it is cut leaving us unsure about whether that is therefore "the end" of the world.

3. Write something about the technical aspects of the film (camera angles, framing; composition, editing, mise-en-scene, music and sound effects) etc?

In this film they use various technical aspects. In the film they use numerous camera angles. Within the film they predominantly use medium shots as shown below. These shots help to show a majority of the objects in the room, in particular him and the globe, which shows, helps to show the difference when he does turn the globe. They also use close ups, when the room darkens to show the mans shock and that he is nervous and unsure about what to expect, by using these shots it helps us to see the characters facial expressions in more detail.  One shot, which is used at the beginning of the film, is a high angle over the shoulder shot

In addition to the camera angles, they also use mise en scene to set the scene; with the man dressed up in a suit it shows him as a professional individual and potentially respectful. With the high angle shot it shows what he is working on of which it does seem quite complex. The lighting is a key aspect in this film because it changes when the globe moves position the lighting goes down to symbolize a change in location and this is corroborated with the mans facial expressions of shock and horror.

Regarding the sound there is very little, only using non-dietetic sound with ambulances and crashes to suggest other things happening on the other side of the world. And in terms of the editing they maintain the continuity and because there is only 1 person they do not use reverse shots and its only ever shot is on the man himself.

The title is also quite effective with the simple bold title to highlight the simplicity of the film and to state a simple fact.

4. In what ways does the media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of its genre?

This film's genre is a comedy, however it is challenged on numerous occasions within the film. Directly from the opening shot the dark room and straight facial expression at first tell us that this is not a comedy and this is continues as the plot deepens and he turns the globe and the room darkens too suggest the matter is very serious. However as he keeps turning the globe you can begin to see the comical aspects as hears the noises from other places in the world. But this can be seen to be a serious matter to highlight the problems in the world with the siren noises and therefore the story line is dependent on the viewer’s point of view and standpoint. As he drops the globe the comical aspects partially diminish were it is left on an enigma. In conclusion the film can be seen as more of a "black" comedy.

5. What do you like about the text?

In this text I particular like the use of the enigma at the beginning to leave the viewer unsure about what has occurred and this allows us to act as though we are in the actors shows, as he too is unsure about what has occurred. In addition too this I like the change in lighting as it changes the mood, and highlights issues in the world and also other aspects in the world at the same time. Lastly, I like the use of the abrupt ending leaving the reader to come up with his or her own view on what happened. Was it "the end" or was it a big change in positioning. It leaves possibilities for the film to be extended as it leaves options open

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