Thursday 11 November 2010


After looking into potential actors for the film we have finally decided which characters we feel are appropriate for the film. The cast is as follows:

Luke - Samuel White
Wife - Lucy Webber
Mickey - Samuel Peckham
Dave - Edward Watson
Man in car - Justin Heron

After completing this we have printed out several copies of the script for the cast and the crew. This needed to be done because we will be doing a read through of the script on Sunday 14th November. We will be doing this so we can see if the cast has any questions about their characters, the script or the film in general.

We intend our character Mickey to portray the characters in the hit TV program 'Men Behaving Badly' which shows a man living with a very lazy individual who does very little around the house.


We have now given the script to our main character Samuel White who is playing Luke so he can read through the script. Unfortunately Steph Dearden is unable to attend the read through on Sunday 14th November, however we will be communicating with her in the meantime so we can come up with a filming schedule and once we receive the dates and times we need to pass these on to other members of the cast and crew to see if they are available at these times.

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